Anyway to the breif reviews but first I'd like to talk a bit about the venue. Sound was good, plenty of room to dance around, but unfortunately the lighting was very interchangeable. One part of the stage was very dark, and another part was incredibly bright, so it was pretty dificult to strike a perfect balance with the camera. Because of this, and the excessive use of red lights, I had to black and white many of my shots.
The night kicked off with some chilled rock from Sans Frontieres. These guys weren't to bad at all but a little more stage movement and some more confidence from the lead singer would have been warmly welcomed. Still they were quite entertaining none the less. Unfortauntely the same cannot be said for Ninjaz with Attitude. Their guitarist was pretty good and the drummer was alright. But their singer was plain bad. He couldn't get the crowd going, he failed to make any decent jokes and the constant thrusting, grabbing and crotch 'jokes' quickly became tiring.
Up next were The Blind Chance and boy were they awesome. So good in fact that I bought one of their CD's. It's been a while since I've chilled to some blues music, and these guys reminded me of how cool that genre is. Their singer/guitarist/bassist had a real knack for sliding the guitar, and had a powerful voice with a great range. People were dancing for good reason.
Then came The Beards. They stepped onto the stage and suddenly the room became incredibly beardly. It was as if all of our beards had extended in a matter of seconds, and there was a warmly glow emanating from all of us who had facial hair. Their set was tight, enjoyable and very very funny. Many left with the desire to grow a beard, and those of us who already had beards became more pro beard than ever. Another great night showcasing some local talent! A beardly Christmas to you all.
Sans Frontieres

Ninjaz with Attitude

The Blind Chance

The Beards

Crowd Shots

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